Handouts for Students
Writing a college humanities paper, whether you're transitioning from high-school writing to college writing or entering a college humanities class for the first time
(A condensed 2-page version of the handout above)
A close-reading toolbox, with an overview of the goals of close-reading and some tricks for getting started
A structural-reading toolbox, for analyzing the features of a whole narrative
Introductions and Conclusions: how to make them count
Thesis statements: a three-tiered test to make bolder, better arguments
From skeletal to full-bodied Outlines
A worksheet for putting together the pieces of a Prospectus
The argument-reconstruction process, for new philosophy students
Tips for Advanced Writers: on nominalizations, transitions, mixed metaphors, and pre-empting objections... take your writing to the next level!
All of these handouts are works-in-progress. I welcome suggestions from students or other teachers!
Some drawings from the handouts above…